Illegal parking at Brittania Square has been stopped after campaigning by Coventry Society members and reporting by the Coventry Observer.
The Coventry Society congratulates the City Council for taking action after illegal parking got out of hand in the square in front of the Brittania Hotel on the corner of Priory Street and Fairfax Street.
Over 50 cars had been illegally parking daily on the landscaped square, causing damage to the paving and landscaping.
Former CovSoc chair Irene Shannon, took the matter up with the Coventry Observer and a front-page article in the Coventry Observer on October 18, brought attention to the problem.
At the same time CovSoc founder member Paul Maddocks complained directly to the City Council’s Transport Chief.
The council responded promptly and installed ring of distinctive elephant-topped bollards designed to preserve the public open space and deter illegal parking.
Paul Maddocks praised the swift response, he said: “Can I congratulate the Coventry Observer for its great reporting of this outrage.
“I am really glad the outcome was sorted out so swiftly. Hopefully, other campaigns and issues you highlight in the future will have the same reaction.”
A spokesperson for Coventry City Council said: “We recognised there were problems with people parking illegally and irresponsibly near Coventry Cathedral, and we installed bollards to help prevent this.
“Our officers are working closely with landowners to prevent people from parking illegally across the city centre, and we will be looking at taking further preventative action where we can to make sure people are parking responsibly.”